
Friday, December 28, 2012

Featured Friend Friday: Becca Johnson

Meet Becca. My Buddy.

About 6ish years ago, I say 6ish because I'm not sure if it was 5, 6, or 7 years ago, I walked into church late (how times have changed) and my ears were graced with the voice of a new worship leader. At least, new to me. And while Becca's voice in it of itself is captivating, I was immediately taken by how authentic her worship was. I was relatively new in my faith, but I saw Jesus in her and knew without even yet knowing her that she was someone special.

Now, 6ish years later, I can boldly proclaim how right I was and how thankful I am that somehow since that day we've gotten to the point where I now call her friend. Well, I call her buddy. But those are synonyms, right?

Throughout the years, everything that I initially believed about Becca has proven to be true over and over again. There are few people I know who speak with such a combination of truth and grace or with as much careful consideration of the words that they say. There are few people I know who will challenge my own words or actions and will hold me to a standard that does not compromise my beliefs. When I find myself in a bit of a mess, she's the kind of person I'd want to meet in a parking lot. I mean, she's the kind of person I'd want in my corner.

Bob Goff, in his book Love Does, mentions that "psychologists are now theorizing about the separation of the brain and the mind. The brain is the stuff in your skull. But the mind, they say, works a lot like the Internet, a map of information collected from all our experiences and interactions with other people. In other words, we become connected together and are influenced more than we think." If that's true, then I am pretty thankful that for the last 6ish years, I have been connected with such a quality person. And I would argue that not only has Becca influenced me more than I probably think, but she has definitely influenced me more than she could possibly know. So much more.

I can not fail to mention the fact that Becca is also an incredible mom to a sweet baby girl who melts my heart every time she calls me buddy. Even though a majority of the time, she is afraid of me or playing coy, I always leave interactions with her with a smile on my face. That must be one of those "like mother, like daughter" things.

Buddy, I am so thankful for you and for the influence you have had on my life. Thank you for your prayers, listening ears, words of wisdom, and hello and goodbye hugs (but not for 20 seconds- that's weird). Thank you for knowing my crazy and keeping me anyway, for my favorite half and hours, and for holding up 3's on weekends (even though that has nothing to do with me). 6ish years ago, I was drawn to how Jesus shown through you. And now, 6ish years later, I still am. I'm proud to call you friend and hope you know just how much you are loved. Because you really stinkin are. You can probably see it in my eyes. It's been a lovely 6ish years and I'm keeping you for many, many years to come. Hope you're okAY with that.

K, Bye. :)

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

First is the Worst, Second is the Best

There have been two quotes ruminating in my mind lately. The first, from Judah Smith, the Pastor of The City Church in Seattle and the second is from Dr. Seuss.

Judah Smith stated, "I want to be a leader who is regularly leveraging my position to help others, not leveraging others for my position."  And before I move on to what the great Dr. said, I want to sit on this notion for awhile, because I think in general, as a society, we are failing at this.

We are a society that loves ourselves more than we love others. We sometimes love our neighbors, as we are called to do, but often times, we love our neighbors because it makes us look good. We care when it is convenient for us, which poses a problem if you believe that convenience has no place in caring. I think we are failing at caring because we are too worried about how we look ourselves. We don't rise to the occasion to care unless we are going to look better for it or we are going to get some type of recognition or praise. Unless we end up in first, it's not worth our time.

But to that type of caring, I say, "First is the worst. Second is the best." We need to become okay with being second so that we can love others into first.

"Wouldn't you like to be the skater who wins the silver, and yet is thrilled about those three triple jumps that the gold medal winner did? To love it the way you love a sunrise? Just to love the fact that it was done? For it not to matter whether it was their success or your success. Not to care if they did it or you did it. You are as happy that they did it as if you had done it yourself- because you are just so happy to see it" (Timothy Keller).

Our world is desperate for that kind of love. We don't need any more competitive love. It's not about one upping your neighbor by showing a bigger, better expression of it. It's not about name dropping. It's not about who you can spend time with and walk away from with the most prestige. It doesn't have to be grandiose and it shouldn't always point back to you. We're not called to love so that we can get the glory. We're called to love because God is love and we are to show Him to the ends of the earth.

Jesus didn't die and raise again so that we could get the praise. He didn't die for us to be worshipped. He died to make our broken lives beautiful in a way that only He can so that when people look at our lives, they see Him. Too much of our love is about us, even though we are shouting with our mouths that our lives are all about Him. Our actions need to speak louder than our words.

In Bob Goff's book, Love Does, in describing a friend and the way the friend loved him, Bob writes, "He saw the need and he did something about it. He didn't just say he was for me or with me. He was actually present with me" (p.8).

We need to start being actually present for one another. We need to stop weighing our actions and whether or not we care based on how it will make us look, or if we have time, or how convenient it is for us. We can sit and complain and grovel about the condition of our world, but until we start showing up and actually being present, our world is not going to change. I'll say it again, our actions need to speak louder than our words.

Until our loving and caring stops being driven by our desires to see ourselves more glorified, our love won't make a difference. Our world won't change. Until we start choosing to care even when it might mess up our schedules or change our plans, our caring won't make a difference. Our world won't change.Which brings me to the Dr. Seuss quote from The Lorax, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot. Nothing is going to get better. It's not.”

Friday, December 21, 2012

Featured Friend Friday: Rachel Shipman

There are two reasons today is your lucky day. One, the world didn't end. And two, you get to meet Rachel.

Rachel is.... Hmm. I'm having a hard time finishing that sentence because Rachel is a plethora of really great things and none of the sentences I am coming up with just seem good enough. She is hands down, one of my very most favorite people in the entire land.

There are few people I laugh as much with. Regardless of the day I am having or the mood I am in, a few simple back and forth text messages with this girl and I am giggling. I love how easy laughing is with her and how laughing is inevitable in her presence. One of my favorite memories with Rachel is the time that we were trying to get down a helium balloon that was stuck up in her ceiling. We pulled a stool into the living room so that I could stand on it. After standing on it, I still could not reach, so we grabbed a spatula from the kitchen. I was able to reach the balloon with the spatula, but couldn't get it to come down. So the natural response was for Rachel to chew some gum, stick it on the end of spatula, and then when I hit the spatula with the balloon, the balloon would stick to it and come down. And throughout all of this, on my head, I was wearing a monkey hat and fake plastic toy glasses. And yet, we were serious. Needless to say, our plan didn't work- but eventually, we did get the balloon down. And now, when I think back on that moment, I can't not laugh. It's one of my favorite memories because it encompasses the reality that even the smallest of things are fun when they are done with Rachel. With her, the little things don't seem little.

Rachel is one of the most gracious people I have ever met in my entire life. When I am troubleshooting a bad day and Rachel is on the listening side of the story, and I am saying things that are wrong or aren't true and she knows it, she lets me speak first. She lets me explain how I am feeling and why I am feeling that way and before she speaks truth into my life, she validates how I am feeling and acknowledges that she can see how I am feeling that way. Most often, from the first word I say, I am talking crazy, but my crazy is met with such grace. It's humbling how gracious she is.

Rachel may not know this, but she operates in all things at a standard of excellence that most strive to reach, but never do. She is an exceptional mother, raising two of the sweetest little girls I have ever had the privilege to know and love. Gosh, do I love them. She is raising champions and I love watching their little lives unfold. The legacy that she is leaving is simply beautiful. She is also an incredibly talented photographer. I'm not much of a cryer (I'm wondering how many people just rolled their eyes and said "yeah right?"), but Rachel has this this uncanny ability to capture emotion in pictures so stinkin well, that very often, when I look at her work, I tear up. I highly suggest you hop on over to her website and check out her work. You will not be disappointed.

I am so thankful that Rachel's path crossed mine for so many reasons. I feel incredibly blessed. The other day, a friend and I were talking when Rachel called. I answered the call and my other friend could hear the conversation that Rachel and I were having. Probably because she was on speaker phone. But when I hung up the phone, a conversation about just how great a friend Rachel is to me was sparked. And my eyes might have watered because I was overwhelmed with just how lovely of a friend I have. Because I do. I really, really do.

I love you, Rachel. I am so thankful to call you friend. My life has been made better because of you being a part of it. Thank you for being you, for all of the laughs, and handshakes, and fictional character talk. For all of the listening and prayers and hugs. For showing me Jesus all of the time. You, my friend, are one of my most favorite thoughts. "Thank you for being a friend..."

Friday, December 14, 2012

Featured Friend Friday: Mark Zoccali

Meet Mark.

I met Mark about 5 years ago and had no idea that we would become such great friends, but I am so glad that we did.

Out of all of my friends, Mark is probably one who I have the most random stories with. And with random stories come laughs, so it goes without saying, but I'll say it anyway, we laugh a lot.

Mark and I are both broke. I hope he doesn't mind that I just publicly told the world about his bank account status. But anyway, because we are broke, the thing we do most is get coffee. And when I say coffee, I actually mean chai with a shot of espresso for Mark. Coffee shop outings are always full of avoiding people we know but don't want to talk to (Is that mean? well, if that's mean, I don't want to be nice), listening to the latest from the contestants on the Voice or Xfactor, talking about Gandhi and the vision for peace he had that India just can't seem to reach, accidentally stealing other people's coffees and drinking them, and of course, what most people do at coffee, just plain talking about life.

Speaking of life, it has been crazy awesome watching Mark's life unfold over the years and I am so proud of all that he has accomplished and so excited to watch him continue to change lives for years to come. A few years ago, Mark found himself in an orphanage in Guatemala on a mission's trip team and honestly since then, I am not sure if he has been in Guatemala or the US more. There are few people I know that find their passion and aggressively pursue it. Many people  have dreams, but only talk about them. Mark does them. It is a treat to have a front row seat to watch what God is doing in his life and He is doing great things.

In May, Mark is graduating and planning on moving to the orphanage in Guatemala for an extended period of time. He is raising all of his financial support, so if you're interested in helping him out, let me know. To read more about his stories and what's going on in his life, you should check out his blog:

I am so thankful for the friendship that I have with Mark and think it is such a privilege to have the opportunity to support and encourage him in the work that he is doing. Thanks for loving orphans and the world the way you do, Mark. You're a world changer and I am so lucky to call you friend.

My friends are better than yours. Over and out.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Dear Friends...It's Just Me Again.

I operate completely under the notion that God customized my world specifically for me. Maybe that's being self-centered or egocentric, but it's what I believe. As a result, when people are placed into my life, I see them as hand-wrapped gifts straight from Heaven and I don't know about you, but when I get a hand-wrapped gift straight from Heaven, I want to handle it with care.

This past May, I wrote a blog called "Dear Friends..." It was a letter to my hand-wrapped gifts straight from Heaven that I meant with my whole heart. And in a minute, I'm going to paste it into this post, as well because I still mean it with my whole heart. I am so convinced that I am the luckiest girl in the world and I think everyone should know just how lucky. So, I am going to start Featured Friend Fridays, in which I write a post bragging about a different friend each week. I'm doing this for two reasons. One, because my friends are so bragworthy and Two, because I want to give them a glimpse of themselves through my eyes because I believe there is power in speaking life into people and often times, we can see things in others that they can't see themselves. So, keep your eyes posted. I'm going to attempt to do this as often as I can, but I'm not the best at keeping up with a blog, so forgive me when I fail. Because I will.

Dear Friends

Lately, as I've been reading, it seems the things that are sticking out most to me are in regards to relationships. As previously mentioned, I'm convinced that I have the best friends and family this crazy world has to offer and when I recognize the fact that God customized my world with them in it, it knocks my argyle socks right off. In recognizing that they are gifts determined just for me from the Giver of all gifts, I cherish them all the more. However, so often I fail at telling them. This is my attempt.

When I think about moments in my life where I've felt the most loved, the saying "the people who matter most to us are those who show up in our lives" can be applied to almost every situation. Showing up can mean an array of things. By choosing to show up, however that may look, from being physically present or whispering a prayer miles away, in that moment, you're choosing someone else over yourself. You're saying, in your showing up, "hey, your worth my time." I never want to miss the opportunity to let someone know that. Dear friends, you are so worth my time.

When I think about moments in my life where I've felt the most broken, I can point to people who have been willing to show up and in their showing up, they were putting me back together. I think about the friends who knew that there was a crying me on the other end of the phone, but picked up anyway. I think about the friends who have come out to their porch after dark to give me a hug, no questions asked. I think about the friends who have just sat with me in silence instead of forcing a conversation. I think about the friends who have prayed for me and with me. I think about the friends who have been with me in awkward situations and remained themselves. Friends who tell a joke, when most wouldn't. Friends who just listen, even in my crazy, irrational rants. Friends who call me out. Friends who do not compromise in speaking truth. (Sidenote: My friends are better than yours. Hands down.) In all of those scenarios, there is a common theme. I was met with a heart that loved me and in that moment, was committed to me, "a heart full of hope for" me. Dear friends, my heart is full of hope for you.

When I think about moments in my life where the most laughter has ensued, it has been the moments where spontaneity was the most possible. Where there has been freedom to just be. When "you are free to love without an agenda". When there is expectancy without expectation.
"If you and I are friends, there is an expectancy that exists within our friendship. When we see each other or are apart, there is expectancy of being together, of laughing and talking. That expectancy has no concrete definition; it is alive and dynamic and everything that emerges from our being together is a unique gift shared by no one else. But what happens if I change that ‘expectancy’ to an ‘expectation’ -- spoken or unspoken? Suddenly, law has entered into our relationship. You are now expected to perform in a way that meets my expectations. Our living friendship rapidly deteriorates into a dead thing with rules and requirements. It is no longer about you and me, but about what friends are supposed to do, or responsibilities of a good friend" (The Shack)
This notion that love does not force itself has been replaying over and over in my mind. Friendship that is forced is not really friendship because the beauty of friendship is that it's a choice. You can choose whether or not someone is your friend, that's what makes it so special. You're someones friend because they choose you. Dear friends, oh how, I choose you.

When I think about those whom I love the greatest and whom have loved me the greatest, I think about those who I know the most and whom I have allowed to know me the most."So many believe that it is love that grows, but it is the knowing that grows and love simply expands to contain it. Love is just the skin of knowing" It's the people who have seen me at my worst and in those moments have never ceased to love me like I was at my best. It's the people who know that even though I might say this, I mean that. It's the people who know all of silly quirks and insecurities, but love me anyway. It's the people who know me and stay. Dear friends, I love knowing you.

Dear friends, dear friends, dear friends....

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

How to Break a Sire Bond?

I bet you're wondering what a Sire Bond is.

If you already know, call me. We could probably be really great friends.

A Sire Bond is a very technical term used on the television show, Vampire Diaries. I know I didn't have to use the word technical given the context of where it comes from, but just in case someone didn't know how legit Vampire Diaries is, they now do. A sire bond is the link between creator and creation in which creation complies with the direct and indirect orders of the creator in order to show its loyalty. (Yes, I did google what is a sire bond?)

Now that you know, I'm not going to lie to you, I am considering Jesus Juking the notion of a Sire Bond by talking about how we are to be obedient to God, our Creator, and how our lives should point to Him.

But don't worry, I won't. I'm simply writing this post because I was dared to and when I'm dared to do harmless things, I find it hard not to. So if you're looking for any insight or reading of worth, you can stop now. You're not going to find it. This is just me being completely ridiciulous.

And to keep with the honesty theme I have going, I have no idea how to break a sire bond. I just thought that was a compelling title (For all you vampire diaries fans out there, pun completely intended).

I do, however, think that if you are actually interested in breaking a sire bond, you should contact your local three year old. They are experts are breaking the direct and indirect orders of their creators, also known as their parents. And Damon, well you can  just contact me.