
Friday, February 15, 2013

Featured Friends Friday: Robbie and Leticia

Meet Robbie and Leticia. I'm not sure how I went from being too shy to say a full sentence to them to being comfortable enough to call them when I'm upset, but I'm really glad I did.

I think the likely answer is that they're great. Actually, more than great. They are such incredible conduit's of God's love. I have never left a conversation with them or time spent with them questioning their love for me. And loving in that kind of way is a characteristic that has been passed down to their three beautiful children. It's impossible for me to walk into their house and not feel loved and valued.

It has been a honor watching them raise their children up in the way that they should go over the years. I met them when their two oldest were still babies and Christian wasn't even yet born. Now, they are all in school or pre-k and it is a privilege to see how they've grown. Last weekend, I was able to watch as their oldest son was baptised and I was overwhelmed knowing how many lives his little life has already touched and how great the plans that God has for him are as he continues to grow. And I found myself so thankful for Robbie and Leticia and their commitment to raise their kids in a home that serves the Lord.

One of my favorite qualities about these two, and there are many, is that there is never an air of judgement around them. On more than one occasion, I've shared things with them that were likely judgement-raising kinds of sharing and have always been met with love and truth. I'm fully convinced that I could share anything with them and find myself in a safe place. And because I know they're safe places, I've come to them in moments of frustration and sadness and been able to drop the mask I was wearing and simply be. And in those moments, I was met with individuals who rejoice with those who rejoice and weep with those who weep. I was met with people who made time to stop what they were doing to sit with me and speak truth to me, over me, and for me.

It's also impossible not to have fun when with them and their family. I would bet you to try to spend an hour with them and not laugh, but it's an unfair bet- because it's an impossible task. You will laugh and you won't be able not to.

Robbie and Letty, thank you for allowing me into your lives and sharing your family with me. My life has been richly blessed by you all in it and I know it will continue to be. Thank you for being constant sources of encouragement and love. For being listening ears and compassionate teachers. For all the laughs and all the prayers. And not being scared off by the tears. I love you so very much!

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