
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

You Make Oceans From the Rain

Yesterday, as I was talking with a buddy of mine (pun intended), I realized how much I miss writing to write. Don't get me wrong, I have had plenty of opportunity to write these days, but unless you're interested in the overt and covert objectives of the history of the social welfare state, you wouldn't be interested. Not that you'd be interested in anything that I write, but I have this overwhelmingly feeling that you can only go up from there. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Anyways, as my first semester of my MSW program is 4 hours away from being completed and I will then find myself on break for a month, I can't help but think of how lately my life has looked like the back of an entertainment center that holds a tv, a dvd player, a stereo, some type of gaming system, and a karaoyke machine, of course. You know what I'm talking about. Pre-modern day houses that consider all those wires and are somehow built in a way to disclose them and pre-wireless creations. I'm talking like when you go behind the entertainment center to plug in something new and you're greeted with chaos and a sinking feeling that shouts "where do I even start?". I can't think of a better image than that to sum up how my life has been looking and feeling. And while the conclusion of a semester is in my opinion a tangible example of heaven meeting earth, it is not the panacea for all those loose wires.

But I know someone who is. Isaiah 43:2-3 says that "when you're in over your head. I'll be there with you. When you're in rough waters, you will not go down. When you're between a rock and a hard place, it won't be a dead end--Because I am your God, your personal God. The Holy of Israel, your Savior."

Not only does Jesus know where each wire starts. He knows where each wire is twisted, turned, and knotted. and even better yet, He knows where they end. Jesus knows. Back in January, the verse "be still and know that I am God" hit me in a new way. I was doing too much. I was taking control where control was not mine to take. I was the opposite of still. But then I heard that verse with new ears and realized that I don't have to have it all together because He is God and if I remain in Him, all I have to know is that He is God. He is God.

As someone who loves organization, feeling like the back of a messy entertainment center is not my cup of tea. Heck, it's not even a cup of milk and I hate milk. My natural response is to want to rip every wire out of the wall and to start over from scratch, but the reality is the wires are too intertwined and the only one who knows how to unravel them all and put it all back together is the one who saw the creation of each wire. Tangled wires are dangerous when someone who is not supposed to be messing with them takes it upon themselves to do so. But God is the God of all comforts and He knows just what to do.

Tangled and loose wires might be accompanied with an array of emotions that I would never choose. Ever. They might be frustrating and difficult and not what I would have choosen, but God sees them and He is good. And His promises for me are true. He is Love. and I have to believe that He is a God who sorts out the back of an entertainment center, even if it He does it slowly one wire at a time, He is a God who finishes what He starts. He makes oceans from the rain.